
RCM4010 - Rabbit Embedded Microcontroller

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  • Description

Frequency: 59MHz
RAM........: 512kB
Flash.......: 512kB
Voltage....: 3V to 3.6V

The RCM4000 series is designed to mount directly to a usersupplied motherboard and acts as the microprocessor of the embedded system. The microprocessor features 28 GPIO lines shared with up to five serial ports and four levels of alternate pin functions that include variable phase PWM, quadrature decoder and input capture.

The abundance of serial ports makes the RCM4010 an ideal solution for multi-port MIDI applciations.

The RCM4010 with its robust feature set, 512K RAM, 10Base-T Ethernet and analog, is ready for network connectivity and I/O control for true device Internet communication and control.

The RCM4000 RabbitCore module delivers the features and internet connectivity to design embedded systems that users can monitor and control remotely from any location.

The RCM4000 series features a small footprint of 1.84” × 2.42” × 0.77” (47 mm × 61 mm × 20 mm), complete with the Rabbit® 4000 microprocessor, program memory, SRAM, mass storage. and 10Base-T Ethernet connectivity.

RabbitCores mount directly onto a user designed motherboard, and can interface with CMOS-compatible digital devices via the user’s motherboard. Programs are developed with our industry-proven Dynamic C development system that includes an editor, compiler, and in-circuit debugger.