CGS - Cat-Girl Synth

The popular Cat-Girl Synth from Ken Stone is now available in euro-module format. Please refer to the Euro Serge section for Ken Stone designs of SERGE originals.

CGS701 - Sub-Oscillator / Harmonic Sequencer (3.5mm)

CGS721 - Super Psycho LFO (3.5mm)

CGS733 - 4x4 CV Matrix Mixer (3.5mm)

CGS734 - Analog Shift Register (3.5mm)

CGS735 - Synthacon Filter (3.5mm)

CGS736 - Pulse Divider (3.5mm)

CGS737 - CV Cluster (3.5mm)

CGS738 - Mangler (3.5mm)

CGS749 - CMOS Filter (3.5mm)

CGS757 - Bi-N-Tic Filter (3.5mm)

CGS758 - Utility LFO (3.5mm)

CGS762 - Slope Detector (3.5mm)

CGS765 - Tube VCA (3.5mm)

CGS793 - Trunk Multiples (3.5mm)

CGS795 - Digital Reverb (3.5mm)