In partnership with Serge and Ken Stone, we are now producing the SERGE family of synthesizer modules from the Serge Modular Music System whose philosophy is of patch-programmability and the availability of hardware functions normally hidden in conventional synths.
This is an open-ended system with new modules coming in the future but is starting with modules mainly from the Serge 1973 catalogue.

All Panther-ES modules listed in this section are fitted with 4mm sockets.
These modules are offered in both kit and assembled formats. PCB Sets and Front Panels are available on request.

Visit the System Suggestions for some Doug Lynner designed system

!! For 3.5mm Euro Serge go to the Euro Serge (3.5mm) section of the shop!!

ES01 - Random Voltage Generator (4mm)


ES02 - Preamp-Detector (4mm)


ES04 - VCM 1 - Overdrive/Linear VCA (4mm)

ES05 - Noise Source (4mm)

ES06 - 1973 Envelope Generator (4mm)

ES07 - 1973 VCF (4mm)

ES08 - Audio Mixer (4mm)

ES08EXT - Audio Mixer Expander (4mm)

ES09 - Positive Slew (4mm)

ES10 - Triple Waveshaper (4mm)

ES11 - Triple Comparator & Schmitt Trigger (4mm)

ES12 - Triple Bi-directional Router (4mm)

ES14 - Voltage Processor (4mm)

ES15 - Smooth and Stepped Generator (4mm)

ES16 - Extended ADSR (4mm)

ES17 - VCM 2 - Sweeper (4mm)

ES18 - VCM 3 - Rectifier (4mm)

ES19 - Negative Slew (4mm)

ES20 - 1973 VCO (4mm)

ES21 - 10-Stage Sequencer (4mm)

ES22 - Resonant Equalizer (4mm)

ES23 - Sequence-Programmer (4mm)

ES24 - 4-Stage Programmer (4mm)

ES25 - Touch Responsive Keyboard (4mm)


ES27 - Transient Generator (4mm)